
Calling all emerging makers and entrepreneurs!

When: Saturday, August 24th 10am-2pm

Where: Heartfelt 4306 Upton Ave South, Minneapolis

What: A market for all Mini Makers to sell their handmade creations

Who: School aged makers

Announcing a Mini Market where school aged makers can sell their products at Heartfelt! Kids can practice being small business owners and learn a little about economics, and make crafts all summer. Kids keep all the money from sales of their products.

Please sign up to reserve your spot. There is a $10 signup fee. This fee is to ensure that you are committed to showing up for the event.

You have all summer to make your products; make as many as you think you can sell.

Please come up with a business name and logo. It can be as simple as your name and what you sell. Or get creative and have fun with it.

You will need to have prices for all your products. Remember, you want to cover your costs and earn a little bit for yourself. Price all your items before the event.

You will need to bring a table, tablecloth and anything else you need. A folding card table is ideal. Please ensure your table display is appealing so it will attract buyers. You can hide your storage underneath your table.

You will earn 100% of what you sell.

We will ask customers to bring cash to buy your products. You may wish to bring along some coins and small bills for making change. We can help you with change too, if necessary.

Please show up 30-60 minutes before our start time.

We will market the event to the community. Please market the event to your family and friends and ask your parents to share news about the event too.

Be sure to fill out this form so we have your info!